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Wendy Certain (2017, 17min)
Set over a four day period, a young girl keeps returning to the same spot in a field surrounded by nature. As her manner becomes increasingly bizarre, she begins interacting with various forms that surround her and terror ensues. The ambiguity between the girl's mental state and the forms is present throughout and the question of whether the appearance of her insanity comes from herself or from the form's control over her remains at the forefront.
D: John Winston Phillips | W: John Winston Phillips and Farah Torab Tarki
Starring: Fanny Mathieu, Kieran Airey-Lee
The Sanguinary Circle (2020, 14min)
Following a young couple as they run through nature landscapes in euphoric
togetherness, signs begin to emerge at various points that guide them along the way. The couple soon finds themselves in an open space on top of a hill, encircled by a group of quiet observers .. or perhaps, participants? What follows is an ominous unfolding of blood-stained delusion.
D: John Winston Phillips | W: John Winston Phillips and Farah Torab Tarki
Starring: Catherine Paquette, Tristan Badard
Curse The Bang Bang Children (2022, 29min)
A strange, reclusive woman who takes pleasure in harming children through means of psychokinetic power and ritualistic activity is gradually found out, and soon becomes the focal point of the children's unceasing revenge.
D: John Winston Phillips | W: John Winston Phillips and Farah Torab Tarki
Starring: Taryn Boudreau, Lola Rossignol-Arts
Tripping Through The Melee (2023, 15min)
One day, a young girl who suffers from severe obsessive-compulsive disorder
is taken on her weekly outing to visit her deceased sister's grave. What begins as a playful interaction between guardian and patient soon erupts into a flurry of
violent familial discord.
D: John Winston Phillips | W: John Winston Phillips and Farah Torab Tarki
Starring: Catherine Grégoire, Jay Ferst
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